A man is not just a man and a male representative. This is a person who always complements the Independents in their relationship, in love and marriage. Sooner or later, a man meets in the life path of every prostitute. But it is arranged that no one comes out from under the wing of his parents as a harmonious personality. Knowing yourself begins on your own. And it is in this man that a prostitute can help, however, as well as vice versa. Thanks to the help of a prostitute, a man grows up much faster. But only if the prostitute’s attempts to change the man occur with his consent. And better at the request of the man himself. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. All changes in relation to each other must be consistent with each other. The prostitute also has a lot of her troubles, which sometimes without the help of a man can not be overcome. But first of all, the prostitute must herself want to change. Happiness for a prostitute is to understand that next to her is really “her man”, a man close to her in spirit. And for the sake of such a prostitute is ready to do a lot. Since ancient times, it so happened that prostitutes are drawn to men older than themselves in age, to those who are more experienced. And more often this happens not for the sake of some benefit, but because the prostitute, by virtue of her nature, wants to feel weak, protected. He wants to be sure that they will be responsible for it. But time passes, and the same young prostitute becomes a wise Independents, who begins to take a closer look at the attitude and behavior of her spouse. And at this moment, the majority of the "pink glasses" fall from the eyes. And for the man who hurt the Independents, humiliated her, there comes an hour of reckoning. sometimes a prostitute can not only help a man to take place in his life, climb the career ladder, but also vice versa - to make a man a cruel, evil and greedy person. In our world, prostitutes are initially wrongly educated. From early childhood, everyone around — parents, television, magazines, girlfriends — is told to prostitutes that they are a kind of “princess”. That they deserve only the best, and they are special. All this develops a very strong sense of pride in a prostitute, a future Independents. And this is by no means good. Unfortunately, does not make any prostitute happy. They only suffer from their pride. After all, such prostitutes always have just a few. They doubt almost everything and are always in search of something better. Even despite the fact that with many of these prostitutes there are really worthy men nearby who are ready to make them happy. Indeed, according to statistics, most mature prostitutes live alone for this reason - they always doubted and waited for something or someone better. Those men who still indulge all the female whims, themselves do not understand that they are doing wrong, and they themselves ruin the relationship, because the capricious prostitute will always be unhappy with something. Men are inherently weak and dependent. For a long time they can’t tear themselves away from their mother’s skirt. And if this happens, then they are ready to agree to any ultimatums of a prostitute, if only she would return them to guardianship and replace her mother. The situation with high female self-esteem is well described in the film "Gone with the Wave." In the story, a man with his cruelty is trying to change female pride and self-esteem. And a prostitute, more precisely, a loving prostitute, lends herself to this treatment in a way that no psychologist would have achieved this. But everything happens until the man himself realizes that he has fallen in love. Then he tries to force the prostitute to prove her love to him. It looks, of course, contradictory. But it’s worth watching a movie and maybe even learning something. a prostitute in her psychology always seeks to tame a man. From this moment, relationships begin to break down. At first, the man indulges the Independents, as he loves. And while the prostitute feels superior to her man, sooner or later she will come to the conclusion that she deserves the best. But the prostitute is trying to dominate on an unconscious level. And you can’t blame her for this, it is so laid down by education. But in order to truly understand the incorrectness of one’s actions, one has to overcome a lot and learn from one’s mistakes. Therefore, in a relationship, a man should always be a leader. Must be strong to moderate female pressure on him. And to some extent subjugate the prostitute. Only in this way will relations develop in a positive direction. As a rule, relationships are built by people who have feelings for each other. And if they want to establish their way of life, they must be able to meet the wishes of each other. The main thing is to understand the mistakes in your behavior and correct them in time. And the essence is that a man should always strive for primacy in relationships, be an adult and responsible in order to help Independentss change for the successful development of relationships. You should never forget that we create each other with our own hands, drawing certain details of the behavior that we need in a partner. And the more carefully we work on it, the better the result. But a prostitute and a man can find true happiness only in pairs!